Entries by Scott Groves


Get Lost

Get Lost. Two simple words that can enrich the human soul. In a world of certainly, stagnation and monotony – one of the best ways to get in touch with nature, excitement and the love of life again is to get lost. Think of yourself like an explorer. To explore, one must be lost. Otherwise […]

Rand Fishkin on Unique Content

MOZ’s WhiteBoard Friday with Rand Fishkin reveals… Formula for Getting Content to Rank Unique content is not enough! If you want your content to rank you need to aim higher. Rand explains a process that anybody can use to benchmark themselves against the best content for the keyword you might want to target. WARNING: to […]

Is Facebook Scamming Us?

I have long had an issue with Facebook. It only got worse the day the monetization of ads and boost posts began. It now seems Facebook has a real issue in cleaning up the quality of their ad network and its distribution model. Personally, I would think twice before pumping money into Facebook ads. Watch […]


How Do You Consume Content?

Every single day, businesses worldwide are wrestling with their online presence. Do I do social media? Should we update our website? Blogging? Well, it’s year 2015 and if you are in business, the simple answer to all is YES! But it’s “YES BUT…” Anything you do, needs to begin with a strategy. So a simple […]

3 Truths of Leading Teams

Leadership comes with many challenges – most of them have to do with people! You can have a strategic direction, a vision and all the systems in the world, but if you have the wrong people on board – you’re in for a challenge. Years ago I learnt a valuable lesson which I have never […]

Corporate Culture: the Unseen Impact

Inside any organisation, community, club or social circle, there exists a culture. Culture is essentially the energy and rules of that environment. And culture especially exists inside your business. Now, some may write this off as “airy-fairy” but I disagree. Culture is something that you not only feel; it is the central force that drives […]