Is Automatic Success Just Theory?

My question to you... If human beings are creatures of habit, and our habits create automatic actions that we engage in without any conscious thought, then isn't every human being programmed for automatic success? Even if our programming…
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Want better results in life? There is one simple answer to those who want to change their circumstances. The title of this blog "consistency" obviously gives it away. So now let's dissect it. You can't get fit doing 50 push ups just once…
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Business Lesson – Skim Clean or Cut Down?

What I am about to share with you applies to business systems, leadership, sales and marketing, lead generation systems - you name it!!! It's a simple principle but powerful nonetheless. Over the Xmas holidays I did some of the usual around…

Free 60 Second Gravatar Set Up

Show Your Face! Just joking... would be nice to see who's making comments. Watch this video to learn how to. Cheers. Scott
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There are two things that teach your brain the habit of success. 1. Breakthroughs 2. Follow throughs Breakthroughs are sexy. In most cases they are PB's (Personal Bests). Let me indulge in a quick story with a valuable lesson... On…
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Solo Success

Want to know one of the biggest differences between successful people and UNsuccessful people... Successful intimately understand the concept, "You can't succeed on your own!". People who fail to 'get' this concept ALWAYS live poorer,…
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T Harv Eker – Millionaire Anthem

                            Harv's Millionaire Idol was brilliant - we all had 3 minutes to come up with a song as the brain…