
Subconscious Princess

I'm sure all girls dream of being a Princess when they are little. Just the thought of growing up with your handsome Prince inside a big castle, being waited on hand and foot while your two ugly sisters can only dream and scheme of having what…
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Diary of a Mad Man

The start of a new year brings reflection for me. Over the January holidays, I began flipping back through some old diary entries where I jot down ‘little life lessons’ from time to time. Before I share with you my personal insight, let…

The Law of Punctuality

Punctuality is a habit. If you are consistently on time... or consistently late - you have a habit. To some, it may seem like a small character trait. To others it will hold much greater value. But rather than dive into opinion, I…

Heaven Called

Today was possibly the hardest run I've ever had to do. And not because of the freezing cold temperature and winds of Geelong Victoria. Nor was it because of the 10 Corona's I smashed down with some of my best mates and family the night…

Holiday Advice

Here’s some holiday advice I was given years ago... And intend on following this year. Maybe there’s something in it for you. “When you go on holidays, go on holidays. Don’t waste your time thinking about work. Switch off. Live in…

New Years Promise… Have You Kept Yours?

14 days ago, you made a promise. It was your New Years Resolution and I have no doubt that you made one or at least thought seriously about what you wanted to change or improve with your life this year. Well, the time is now - for someone…