Tag Archive for: business

How to Endure in Business
What Endurance Running Teaches You About Business
Many metaphors can be used in business. I like the lessons from endurance running because they contain everything you get in everyday business...

Ideas: Novelty or Core Strategy?
Why Do Some Companies Treat Ideas as Novelty Instead of Core Strategy?
As a consultant to many industries, sectors and businesses, this article may be somewhat of a venting rant but I think it needs to be said so we can all step back for…

How to HashTag
Social Media has been using #hashtags since Chris Messina suggested Twitter group topics in a single stream with the use of a "hash" symbol (#) back in october 2007. Whilst the idea was initially rejected, it is now common throughout all social…

Business Principle – “Wedding Day”
Statistics in life? Chances of success? Wedding? Business? How does all this tie together?
Read on for weird but on the money insight...
Of all the business principles that lead to success, there is one that likens itself to a wedding…

The Truth About Strengths and Weaknesses
For years I've listened to different advice about strengths and weaknesses.
Some say, improve your weaknesses so you're less vulnerable. In tennis that may hold some truths but does it work in business?
So what's the truth?
Well I think…

Leadership vs Status Quo
Leaders challenge the status quo. Managers maintain it.
Managers believe they have "been there and done it" and it cannot be done any better so they therefore are negative.
Leaders believe there are people that can do things better than…

Social Media – Why?
The world of social media is more than place to connect with people, increase fans and followers.
Social media satisfies a deep need we each have as human beings. It gives us a platform to express ourselves. Even deeper, it allows for creative…