Tag Archive for: Marketing

Ideas: Novelty or Core Strategy?
Why Do Some Companies Treat Ideas as Novelty Instead of Core Strategy?
As a consultant to many industries, sectors and businesses, this article may be somewhat of a venting rant but I think it needs to be said so we can all step back for…

Two V’s of Marketing Testing
2 V's and 3M's of Marketing Can Guide Your Entire Marketing Strategy
Every marketing and sales test requires two V's:
1. Volume
2. Variation
Like many things in life, business and even sport - if you want to keep score and track…

Internet Marketing Strategy and Common Sense
Are people getting too "techy" for their own good?
The battle for top rankings in Google is fierce - no doubt about it. There are certain keywords that people are paying a fortune for. You can burn through thousands in a couple of hours on…

Marketing Insight – Self Promotion
Many business owners and marketers find it infinitely easier to market someone's else product than their own.
But have you ever wondered why?
Marketing someone else's product, service or business is much easier to be viewed objectively.…

Moneybox Marketing
My 11 year old daughter could quite possibly be the smartest marketer in the world!
There's 2 powerful lessons she can teach you... but first the back story so this all makes sense...
Like most kids, my two have money boxes. Bella has…

Miracle – Part 2
A few days passed and our little man had his 7th birthday. And yes, he got his new bike.
Here's what's really cool!
The next morning he asked for an apple to be put in with his lunch. As parents who have seen it all before, we fully…

It’s a Miracle… My Child Ate Fruit!!!
Every parents knows that sinking feeling. You've tried everything and your kid won't budge. It's a famous battle of persistence and the little bugger is winning.
Well, tonight I won one for the parents - and here's how I did it.