Tag Archive for: Sales

Sales Avenue
The item you want to sell and it's actual value rarely dictates how much money you get for it.
What adds value, is credibility and the sales avenue you use to sell it.
For example... I have a signed Brisbane Broncos Jersey from their Premiership…

Internet Marketing Strategy and Common Sense
Are people getting too "techy" for their own good?
The battle for top rankings in Google is fierce - no doubt about it. There are certain keywords that people are paying a fortune for. You can burn through thousands in a couple of hours on…

Fifty to One
When you are a complete rookie in sales, everything you learn instantly makes an improvement of 50% or more.
When you have some experience you will still find areas where you can improve with chins as big as 10%.
When are experienced,…

Miracle – Part 2
A few days passed and our little man had his 7th birthday. And yes, he got his new bike.
Here's what's really cool!
The next morning he asked for an apple to be put in with his lunch. As parents who have seen it all before, we fully…

It’s a Miracle… My Child Ate Fruit!!!
Every parents knows that sinking feeling. You've tried everything and your kid won't budge. It's a famous battle of persistence and the little bugger is winning.
Well, tonight I won one for the parents - and here's how I did it.

Sales Simplicity
A 1 Year Old's Birthday Party is a great way to catch up with old friends. And catching up with the guys today was like a trip down memory lane. It is every time we see each other.
Because we all worked in sales together, starting over a…

7 Unspoken Reasons Why Customers Don’t Buy – What Customers Are Really Thinking
Every successful sale satisfies what we are about to talk about. Every lost sale, fails to address the 7 areas we are about to talk about.
Sales is really about a few basic things at the end of the day.
It’s about –